What are some common end uses for adult diaper panties?

Adult diaper panties, also known as pull-on protective underwear, have some common end uses:

Incontinence protection

The primary use of adult diaper panties is to provide absorbent protection for urinary incontinence in adults. They help contain urine leaks and keep the skin dry.

Light to moderate incontinence

Adult diaper panties are suitable for people with light to moderate urinary incontinence. They typically hold 200-500 ml of urine which is enough for most urination events.

Discreet protection

Diaper panties offer more discretion than diapers as they look like regular underwear. This can be preferable for some users who want maximum discretion.

Sleep time protection

Diaper panties can be used at night for sleep time protection and containment of urine during sleep. Some products specifically focus on enhanced night time absorbency.

Activity protection

Diaper panties allow more mobility and are suitable for active lifestyles or exercising. They don’t restrict movement like diapers do.

Travel protection

Diaper panties are very portable and compact. They are useful when traveling, going out for long periods or in emergency situations.

Backup protection

Diaper panties can serve as a backup layer under regular diapers or absorbent briefs for added leakage protection and absorption.

Enhanced absorbent pads

Some diaper panty designs have absorbent pads, gel cores or other features to boost absorbency for urine and stool. These offer enhanced leakage protection for more severe incontinence.

Fecal incontinence

Although not as absorbent as diapers, some diaper panties provide some backup protection against fecal leakages. Additional absorbent layers and features are usually needed for dedicated fecal incontinence protection.