What are some common tools used for leather patches projects?

Some essential tools used for leather patch projects include:

Leather patches

Of course, leather patches are the main material you’ll need for leather patch projects! Look for high quality leather patches in various thicknesses, sizes and styles.

Leather awls

Leather awls are used to punch holes in leather for stitching. They come in different sizes based on the thickness of leather you’ll be working with.

Stitching needles

Choose needles with a large eye or shank to fit your stitching waxed thread. Larger needles, like saddle needles, work well for thicker leather.

Waxed thread

Waxed thread is designed specifically for stitching leather. It’s waxed to help it glide through the leather more easily. Thread for saddle stitching and patch stitching is typically size 0.5mm to 2.0mm thick.

Stitching mallet

A small mallet or hammer can be useful for pounding stitching into place after it’s threaded through the leather. This helps the stitching sit flat and the knot to tighten securely.

awls or prick punches

For punching small holes or indenting the surface of the leather, small awls or prick punches are useful. These make small holes that can then be widened with an awl or needle.


Thick craft scissors with sharp, heavy blades work well for cutting leather patches and stitching threads. Be very careful cutting leather, as the edges can be sharp.

Leather stitching chisels

For heavy-duty stitching and projects, leather stitching chisels can be used. These are essentially small chisels with a sharpened edge for cutting through thick leather. They require a mallet for pounding.

Whip stitching twine

For oversewing edges or reinforcing stitching lines, whip stitching twine works well. It’s very thick waxed twine, typically cotton.


Various hole punches can be used to punch rounded or shaped holes in leather for decorating patches or attaching fittings like snaps, buckles or D-rings.


Sandpaper in various grits is useful for sanding edges, roughing up surfaces and shaping leather patches. Finer grits can be used for finishing surfaces.