What type of 20 gauge nails should I use for upholstery?

For most upholstery jobs, 18 to 20 gauge upholstery tacking pins or tackless tacks are recommended over full size nails:

Tacking Pins:

  • Often used for lighter weight fabrics.
  • Have a flat head rather than the rounded head of tacks.
  • Penetrate the fabric and padding but not the frame, to avoid damaging the wood.
  • Have barbs, spirals or rings around the shaft that help grip the fabric for a secure hold.
  • Come in a range of lengths from 1/2″ to 2″ depending on fabric thickness.
  • Typically made of hardened steel for durability.

Tackless Tacks:

  • Used for heavier fabrics and upholstery jobs that require a secure hold.
  • Have a dome-shaped head that provides a wider surface area for gripping the fabric.
  • Penetrate the padding but not the frame, which avoids nail holes that full size nails leave behind.
  • Come with a gripper tip that grabs the fabric and padding for a secure hold.
  • Made of hardened steel wire to resist breaking.
  • Available in lengths from 3/4″ to 2″ for different material thicknesses.

Because they penetrate the padding without damaging the frame, tacking pins and tackless tacks in 18 to 20 gauge nails are generally preferable to full size nails for upholstery work. They provide a secure grip while minimizing damage and visible fasteners.